Citizen Sinebrychoff 2016

Sinebrychoff is the oldest brewery in the Nordics, established in 1819. Today, it is part of the international Carlsberg Group. Carlsberg Group published its sustainability report for 2016 in February 2017, and Sinebrychoff followed with its own – Citizen Sinebrychoff 2016 – early May.

I had the pleasure to work with Sinebrychoff in planning and producing the report. The report is structured according to the sustainability priorities of Carlsberg Group: energy and carbon; water; responsible drinking; and health and safety. Further, we write about the materiality and other analyses behind the Group’s new sustainability strategy, and describe Sinebrychoff’s stakeholder dialogue in 2016.

Some highlights of Sinebrychoff’s year 2016:

  • Sinebrychoff is a water efficient brewery: only 2,5 litres water are used to manufacture one litre of bewerages.
  • With the Eco2Brew facility for CO2 recovery, the CO2 formed during the brewing process can be recycled back to the production process. In 2016, the CO2 self-sufficiency at Sinebrychoff’s brewery in Kerava was already 43 %, and the aim for 2017 is 50 %.
  • Sinebrychoff’s energy consumption has decreased by 16 % compared to 2005. The work to increase energy efficiency will continue as the company has joined Finland’s 2017-2025 voluntary Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries. Sinebrychoff aims at 10,5 % reduction, that is, 8 648 MWh, by 2025. The company believes it will achieve the target, partly thanks to the investments in heat recovery at the Kerava site in Finland. Heat from refrigerating beer, compressed air and from process wastewater is recovered and then used in production, and to keep buildings and offices warm.
  • Sinebrychoff aims at zero accidents at workplace and in commuting. The target is well within reach as there were 17 accidents in 2016, 10 in 2016, and the target for 2017 is 0-2.
  • Sinebrychoff has supported Walkers activity organized by Aseman Lapset ry (Children of the Station) over ten years. Walkers is a form of youth work, based on adult volunteers who are willing to donate their time to work with young people.

Please have a closer look at Citizen Sinebrychoff 2016 (in Finnish) and Carlsberg’s Sustainability Report 2016.