Sari Kuvaja Signals

Patagonia: An Activist-Minded Company

At the final stage of writing the manuscript of Terhi Koipijärvi’s and my coming book Yritysvastuu – Johtamisen uusi normaali (an unofficial translation: Corporate Responsibility – The New Normal of Leadership) I got a chance to interview Mihela Hladin, Environment and Social Initiatives Manager of Patagonia Europe. More about Patagonia’s approach can be read from the book which will be published in September but I wanted to share some highlights also here.

Blog, June 19, 2017

Vuokraa minut!

Tarvitsetteko määräaikaista vastuullisuustyön tai -viestinnän kehittäjää? Vuokratkaa minut!

Citizen Sinebrychoff 2016

I had the pleasure to work with Sinebrychoff, the oldest brewery in the Nordics, in planning and producing their sustainability report for 2016. As Sinebfychoff is part of the Carlsberg Group, the report – Citizen Sinebrychoff – is structured according to the sustainability priorities of the Group: energy and carbon; water; responsible drinking; and health and safety.

Neste’s Sustainability Reporting for 2016

For the second time, I had the pleasure to be involved in the Neste sustainability reporting project. Inspiring and rewarding!

Reporting: Not a Goal But a Tool

While welcoming new GRI Standards, it is good to remember that reporting is just a tool for a more sustainable and responsible business.

Blog, April 14, 2017

Is CSR Communication Dead?

Is CSR communication dead? This question led to many inspirational discussions and debates during the two-day training I run together with Maria Joutsenvirta at Aalto PRO in Helsinki last week.

Blog, October 11, 2016

Corporate Sustainability Manual for Finnish Textile & Fashion

Finnish Textile & Fashion’s Corporate Sustainability Manual was published in English on August 9, 2016. The Manual can be downloaded from the association’s website. Please click the picture above for more information!

Lease a CSR Professional!

It might be more cost-effective to lease a CSR professional for a certain time period than to buy separate consultancy services now and then. What would you think about it?

Blog, March 23, 2016

Showcasing sustainability

Showcasing sustainability (Vastuun kantajat) now available also in English.


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